A hydrostation stands out in a field

Lab to Land

owa researchers are working to solve some of our state’s most significant environmental challenges. That includes experts from the UI College of Engineering who are using a living laboratory to conduct innovative sustainability research and scientists who have deployed a vast network of climate sensors to prepare for the growing impact of extreme weather events.
Craig Just by the Dow City wastewater treatment facility

Helping small towns meet wastewater needs, affordably

Craig Just at the University of Iowa has sought an affordable wastewater solution for small towns. Now, through Just’s research, partnerships, and persistence, a pilot system in Dow City appears poised to meet federal wastewater treatment…
Kohls and other researchers at the 1st Avenue test sites

Enhancing Water Quality Through Stormwater Management

Stan Kohls, a third-year PhD candidate in civil and environmental engineering, is conducting an in-depth investigation into organic contaminants found in water systems. As a graduate research assistant at IIHR—Hydroscience and Engineering…