Founding director of Iowa Flood Center retires after 15 years
Witold Krajewski retires as director of the Iowa Flood Center after 15 years of leading its success and helping Iowans become more flood resilient.

Whatever the Weather, Casavant Has It Covered
Iowa Flood Center graduate student Libby Casavant presents the IFC weather briefing at IFC weekly meetings, but she spends most of her time mapping the sediment flow through the Kosi River using two- and three-dimensional modeling software.

IIHR Grad Student Publishes Two Journal Papers
IIHR graduate student Navid Jadidoleslam is the first author on two papers published recently in the prestigious Journal of Hydrology.

Iowa: The Navy’s Secret Weapon
Isaac Di Napoli is a grad student working with IIHR who recently won a scholarship and a future job with the United States Department of Defense. After graduation, Di Napoli will begin working with the Navy on ship hydraulics research.

IIHR Student Hui Zhi Wins IWC Grant Competition
IIHR grad student Hui Zhi received a grant from the Iowa Water Center to fund her research on sorption and biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in Iowa’s water.

Weber Named ASCE Fellow
IIHR’s Larry J. Weber has been named a Fellow by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Board of Direction.

Fluids Lab Offers Hands-On Learning Community
On Friday, January 18, IIHR faculty members were on hand to guide students through the new Engineering Fluids Laboratories and demonstrate the equipment that would be available to University of Iowa students.

Barth Takes D.C. by Storm
IIHR graduate student Nancy Barth recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to present her doctoral research on Capitol Hill.

Summer Research Adventures
What did you do on your summer vacation? The high school students who participated in the Belin-Blank Center’s Secondary Student Training Program will have quite a story to tell about their summer adventure in Iowa City.

Schilling Named State Geologist of Iowa
Iowa has a new state geologist — Keith Schilling of the Iowa Geological Survey.

Hydro Stations Provide Weather Data Farmers Need
The Iowa Flood Center at the University of Iowa is deploying new hydrologic stations that provide real-time weather information that farmers can use.

A Mindful Future
WSI member Ananya Sen Gupta takes a computational approach to understanding how toxins and pathogens in the environment relate to each other.

2017 Big Data Hackathon
This September, the University of Iowa will host the 2017 Midwest Big Data Hackathon, a two-day, non-stop software development competition.

Exploring Engineering and Health Science
A summer academic program at the University of Iowa encouraged middle-school students to dream big of a life in the sciences, and provided a week of education in engineering and health science from University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students.

New Sustainable Water Development Grad Program
The Sustainable Water Development (SWD) Graduate Program in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Iowa will offer a revolutionary new approach to engineering education.

First Graduate With Naval Hydrodynamics Certificate
This May, senior mechanical engineering student Sean Seelau will be the first student to receive a certificate in Naval Hydrodynamics from the University of Iowa.

Craig Just Wins Teaching Sustainability Award
The Institute of Industrial Engineers Sustainable Development Division has awarded Craig Just the 2017 Excellence in Teaching Sustainability Award.

A Flood Story: 2008 vs. 2016
In 2008, Cedar Rapids took a major hit from flooding. In 2016, floodwaters came again. What happened this time?

IFC Offers Online Tools to Prepare for Flooding
The Iowa Flood Center (IFC) at the University of Iowa provides online tools and resources for Iowans to help them prepare and respond quickly to flood events. The Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS) online tool is a user-friendly, interactive web application that allows anyone access to flood information, including current stream and river level data, weather conditions, and flood alerts and forecasts for more than 1,000 Iowa communities.