Ecologist and writer Connie Mutel, will moderate today’s panel “Iowa’s Path to Sustainability” based on the book Tending Iowa’s Land – Pathways to a Sustainable Future.
Connie assembled a cast of premier Iowa scientists and environmental activists to write Tending Iowa’s Land (University of Iowa Press, 2022) which examined our state’s current environmental problems and lead a discussion on viable solutions.
Today’s panelists:
- Pauline Drobney, Prairie Zone Biologist, US Fish & Wildlife Service – Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge
- Keith E Schilling, State Geologist of Iowa, Iowa Geological Survey Director
- Jerald Schnoor, Professor in the UI Depts of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Occupational & Environmental Health, and Co-Director of the Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER)
- Francis Thicke, formerly a scientist with the US Dept. of Agriculture, and for over 30 years the owner and operator of organic “Radiance Dairy” in Fairfield Iowa
- Larry Weber, Director of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
Connie Mutel is the author of over a dozen additional books including A Sugar Creek Chronicle: Observing Climate Change from a Midwestern Woodland (Iowa, 2016) and The Emerald Horizon: The History of Nature in Iowa (Iowa, 2008). Before retiring, Connie was a Senior Science Writer at IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering at The University of Iowa College of Engineering.
This live event will also be streamed live on the Library’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/thelibrarychannel
The Second Sunday Garden Forums are cosponsored by Project GREEN and the Iowa City Public Library.