Islam, Sadya

Graduate Research Assistant
IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering
Graduate Student
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office: 323-10 Stanley Hydraulics Lab (SHL)
Education: PhD, The University of Iowa,
MS, The University of Iowa, 2018
BS, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2013
Research Areas
I did my undergrad in Urban and regional planning (URP) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. My masters degree is also in URP which I did here at the University of Iowa. Now, I am a PhD student in the civil and environmental engineering department, and a graduate research assistant at IIHR for Professor Gabriele Villarini. My current research focuses on the impact of urbanization in modifying rainfall and flooding associated with tropical cyclones in USA.
Some little fun facts about me are that I love to travel to new places, and as cooking is my stress reliever, I cook a lot and try different recipes.