
A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Flooding
Undergraduate researcher Yibing Su traveled halfway around the world to study water resources, right after a major flood struck her hometown of Beijing.

Digging for Adventure
IIHR researcher and University of Iowa alumna Kelli Parsons traveled the country before returning to the UI as a graduate student, where she studies human impact on the land through soil.

Destined for the Water
Danny Moustakidis plays a key role in nutrient research at the University of Iowa, studying soil phosphorus levels in the Turkey Watershed.

Aiming High by Reaching Out
The IIHR Wind Tunnel Annex welcomed a different crowd recently—the Cedar Falls High School Rocket Club, which is competing in the upcoming Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC), the world’s largest student rocket contest.

Knee-deep in Research
IIHR graduate research assistant Keshav Basnet is part of an Iowa Department of Transportation project to design snow fences that reduce drifting and therefore improve road conditions across the state.