The Iowa Well Forecasting System (IWFoS) is a web platform developed by the University of Iowa Hydroinformatics Lab (UIHI Lab), the Iowa Geological Society (IGS), and the Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination (CHEEC) at the University of Iowa. IWFoS provides a user-friendly and interactive environment for Iowa regarding well information, including aquifer depths and water quality. This historical data is available in IWFoS through publicly available data from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, including water quality from the Private Well Tracking System and well geology from GeoSAM. Because the intent of IWFoS is to better inform the drilling of new wells, we include information from these databases regardless of whether the wells shown are still active so as to provide as much data as possible to improve decision making. This is a beta version which in actively being developed. Its functions and all information are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.
IWFoS is designed using latest web technologies and is tested on all major browsers. Please use the latest version of your web browser. IWFoS provides a better user experience on the Google Chrome web browser with higher screen resolutions.
IWFoS is designed using the latest web technologies, and is tested on all major browsers. Please use the latest version of your web browser. IWFoS provides a better user experience on the Google Chrome web browser with higher screen resolutions. If you see a problem in a specific functionality, please report it to us. We suggest reloading page in your browser and cleaning cache of your browser, since data and functionality maybe updated in IWFoS during your visit.
Please contact us and provide details of the problem (how to repeat the error, what you see [and expect to see] during the error) and your browser information (browser name, version, operating system, etc.).
Yes please contact us with your suggestions.