Loeser, Tony

Water Resources Engineer
IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering
Office: 3 Hydraulics Wind Tunnel Annex (HWTA)
Phone: (319) 353-0739
Email: tony-loeser@uiowa.edu
Education: BS, University of Idaho, 2006
MS, University of Idaho, 2011
Biography: I develop hydrologic models to simulate how rainfall is transformed into streamflow (when, where, and how much) and hydraulic models that simulate how rivers behave based on how much water is flowing. This information allows communities to evaluate and potentially reduce flood risk, helps emergency managers and community personnel make decisions during an ongoing flood event, and allows individuals to assess risk at the safety and personal property level. I also build and test scale models of complex hydraulic structures in IIHR's physical modeling shop. We conduct model testing for numerous reasons, such as to evaluate existing performance, replicate observed problems in the field, and identify retrofit solutions, as well as to test concept designs for future structures. I regularly participate in outreach and education events to help others learn more about and gain a deeper appreciation for our water resources. I have engaged in events with audiences from grade levels K-12, college students, and citizens within our communities.