A view of the original, tiny IIHR building from 1920 taken across the river at the Burlington Street Dam.

Earliest Archival Records

This record group includes miscellaneous materials (publications describing the Hydraulics Laboratory, administrative papers, news releases, annual reports, etc.) from the laboratory’s earliest days. These are materials that do not fit into the larger “Early Research” record group. Also included are biographical materials on Floyd Nagler, founding director of IIHR.

The record group consists of 2 archival boxes.

Box 1. Early IIHR Administration and Articles, 1920–40

  • “Theory of the Hydraulic Jump and Backwater Curves” (S. Woodword, State of Ohio, The Miami Conservancy District, Technical Reports III, 1917)
  • “Hydraulics of the Miami Flood Control Project” (S. Woodword, State of Ohio, The Miami Conservancy District, Technical Reports VII, 1920)
  • “The New Hydraulic Laboratory of the State University of Iowa and its Proposed Schedule for Research” (F. Nagler, Transit, 1921) Also talk with similar title presented by F. Nagler (1920)
  • Article on IIHR in A Descriptive Directory of Hydraulic Laboratories in USA (anonymous, published by Engineering Foundation, 1922)
  • “The University Power Dam” (E.J. Karsten, Transit, 1925)
  • “Additional Facilities for Hydraulic Engineering” (K.E. Ristau, Transit, 1933)
  • “The New Hydraulics Laboratory” (Dunlap, Transit, 1920)
  • “Facilities of IIHR are Being Doubled” (anonymous, The Highway Magazine, 1932)
  • “Hydraulic Laboratory at the State University of Iowa” (F. Nagler, Hydraulic Laboratory Practice, published by ASME, John Freeman ed., 1929)
  • “Hydraulic Laboratory Research at the State University of Iowa” (S. Woodward, Scientific Monthly, 31, 1930)
  • Program for formation of IIHR, 1931
  • Radio interview script on IIHR research (F. Nagler, 1932)
  • “Hydraulic Research at Iowa University” (F. Mavis, Engineering News Record, 1935)
  • “Engineering at the University, Iowa City” (UI Publication #1126, 1940) Bulletin includes good IIHR photographs
  • Publications on use of models. Folder includes:
    • “Development of Model Apparatus” (A.W. Carter, Transit, 1934)
    • “Modelmania” (C.J. Posey, ASCE Proceedings, 1987)
    • “Hydraulic Models at the State University of Iowa” (R. Brudenell, Transit, 1930)
    • “Miniature Niagara – State Fair Exhibit” (photo in Transit, 1929)
  • News releases about IIHR research on various topics (1935–39)
  • Office memos, laboratory regulations, operating procedures, budgets, and noteworthy mixed correspondence/information (1920–38)
  • Annual reports, research summaries (1921–41)
  • Course listings, student lists (1936–41)
  • “An Investigation of the Transportation of Bed Load by Flowing Water” (F.T. Mavis, PhD dissertation, 1935)
  • “Establishment of Centers of Specialized Research” (F.T. Mavis, Journal of Engineering Education, 1936)
  • “David LeRoy Yarnell, Obituary” (S. Woodward et al., ASCE Memoir, 1937?)
  • “Sherman Melville Woodward, A Biographical Sketch” (F. Simmonds, Transit, 1925)
  • “Specifications for an Elementary Textbook in Hydraulics” (S. Woodward, unpublished, 1930)
  • “Memorandum – Stream Gaging in Iowa” (R.G. Kasel, unpublished summary of IIHR and USGS cooperative efforts, 1935)
  • “Contents of the Yarnell Memorial Library” (undated list)
  • “Rerouting of Iowa River at City Park” (McLeod, newspaper article and original photograph, notes, 1939)
  • “A System for Filing Technical Literature” (E.W. Lane, Civil Engineering, 1936)

Box 2. Floyd Nagler — Biographical Information, 1920–33

  • CVs, job and award information, obituaries, etc. (1919–33 and beyond)
  • Nagler family history (document from Nagler family)
  • PhD dissertation, “Verification of the Bazin Weir Formula by Hydro-Chemical Gaugings” (1917 and later ASCE publication)
  • Water wheel / turbine interests, folder includes:
    • Turbine donation, Mississippi River Power Co., 1931
    • Water wheel donation, Greene, Iowa, 1927
    • Millstones in Hydraulics Laboratory entrance (Transit article, 1934)
  • Baconian Club (materials from Nagler’s files)
  • Listings of potential research topics for IIHR students, 1920–30s
  • Mathematical problems from lecture course (undated)